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    Arne van Oosterom's Posts - WENOVSKI design thinkers network

    Now on WENOVSKI design thinkers network

    Tuesday, July 14, 2009

    A Cooper concept project

    Stratus Air: A Cooper concept project from Cooper Journal on Vimeo.


    Kalle said...

    Thank you Arne, for posting the video on your blog. But what do you think about it? Why did you post it, do you think it is a good example, and if so what do you like about it?

    I think we should have an open discours on Service Design as well as on Service Design projects. This is important to create a common understanding of quality and the right usage of processes and methods.

    Just to stress two points of many which could be discussed:
    The solution shown in the video (which is quite nice) seems to me "overdesigned". How much service is too much service? Do we, e.g. need a new device to do all that or is it actually the wrong solution to create another hardware piece? Does the customer really need all those services?
    Further it seems, that they transformed all the insights or problems they identified into solutions, without considering brand or organizational boundaries, which is a crucial part of Service Design.

    I know it is just a concept, but, we should be careful not to communicate a wrong idea of what Service Design is and delivers, to the design community nor to potential clients.

    The I.D. Magazine judges didn't like it, but didn't share their thoughts, maybe we (the Service Design community) should.

    Arne van Oosterom said...

    Hi Kalle,

    I like to share these clips with people. And its always inspiring to see other peoples ideas.

    There are a lot interesting ideas and insight in your clip.

    And I agree, there are a view questions it raises though: Could the traveller-pass not be replaced by a Mobile phone service. The extra devise seems a bit unnecessary.

    But like you pointed out, the real issue is that the clip tells us about the problems and it that it will solve it all. But it seems very unrealistic. Specially because it gives me no information about the process backstage. How is this organised? e.g. how can the service replace other forms of identification?