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    Arne van Oosterom's Posts - WENOVSKI design thinkers network

    Now on WENOVSKI design thinkers network

    Thursday, February 12, 2009

    BOOKaBOOK lets Readers Decide

    Just notised BOOKaBOOK. A very intresting concept:

    "Most books that are written are never published. Why? Publishers reject more than 80% of the manuscripts that they receive from writers. This means that readers depend heavily on what publishers decide to publish. BOOKaBOOK wants to change this situation: readers decide what books are published."



    Anonymous said...

    Many thanks for mentioning our initiative. We just launched the website and are starting up marketing right now. And we keep fingers crossed: will the sometimes rather conservative sector pick up this new way of publishing ...

    Arne van Oosterom said...

    I hope you will have lots of success. Let me know how things work out.