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    Arne van Oosterom's Posts - WENOVSKI design thinkers network

    Now on WENOVSKI design thinkers network

    Tuesday, September 2, 2008

    Summer School on Service Design Finland

    Last week I gave a lecture in Finland at the Akatemia Kuopio. I had a great time and Satu Miettinen has been a great host.

    Besides having lots of fun attending workshops I really enjoyed the discussions I had with Greg Richards and Marc Stickdorn about the difference between experience marketing and service design. "Does service design actually exist? Or is it just another name for something we have been doing for years"... I miss these discussions in the Netherlands. They keep me on my toes.

    Greg Richards had a great presentation on creative tourism.

    Satu Miettinen talked about social design.

    In one of the workshops we visited a spa. Here's Mikko Koivisto from Ego Beta doing some fieldwork.

    The spa has a public and healthcare service.

    One of the workshop with students and Katja Sorvali.

    The obligatory sticky-notes.

    The obligatory (it's a must in Finland) fire.

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