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    Arne van Oosterom's Posts - WENOVSKI design thinkers network

    Now on WENOVSKI design thinkers network

    Monday, June 9, 2008


    It's been some time since I posted my last update. It's a thing that happens to me from time to time. It's a good thing though. It means I've been very busy.

    Here's a small sample of what I've been up to:

    We are researching why people do not go to the ports (air and water) of Amsterdam to find a job. The ports need people to grow. But they can't find employees. Can service design provide a solution? We think it can.

    We are developing new ways for a Waterschap to build relationships with it's costumers and making their services visible to the general public. This needs to be done, because no one know what a Waterschap does, but they keep sending us the bill.

    DesignThinkers is opening a center for training, workshops, presentations, eating, drinking etc called 'The End Of The World'. It is located in a magnificent building at the old shipyard of Den Helder (Cape Holland) which they restored beautifully.

    We started a new agency called SLOEP. This agency will focus on maritime projects. Our first project: Round Texel, the world's largest catamaran race. SLOEP will be based at 'The End Of The World".

    There is more. But for now these are my favorites.

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